Monday, October 11, 2010

Situation 3 - Insufficient Education System

It is undeniable that baby dumping has been a growing concern among the society. Whether through mouth to mouth conversation to news broadcasted in every corner of the country, baby dumping had become the most pressing issue talked and debated among civilians and concerned parents. What had actually gone wrong? Is this the current social norm that we had subconsciously adopted, or that we simply wouldn’t care that such things are happening before our eyes, casting ignorant glances and pointing fingers at the other party?

Education, whether formal or informal, had become the source of knowledge and information in our daily life especially during our adolescence years. The lack of education is one of the majoring factors that contributed to the rise of this phenomenon. Students as young as secondary school are most susceptible to the curiosity of exploring the opposite sex. The lack of sex education does not help them in understanding the opposite sex when instead they would innocently adopt unprotected sex in their schooling days. This would lead to unwanted pregnancy and inexperience in handling this sort of situation. Consequently this would result in baby dumping.

Earlier this year, opinions and debates were brought up whether we should introduce sex education in school syllabus. However, parties involved in the debate had taken the stance and move on with the old syllabus, concerning that whether the conservative social norm would able to accept this kind of education being taught in schools. Aspects and areas of human body are rigidly and conservatively taught in biology without painting a clear picture of the consequences of unprotected sex to the students. Students knew that they should not be involved in sexual activities but they do not know how to cope with it should such unwanted cases happen. Without proper support and formal education, they would not know the correct way of managing their emotions and thus could result in baby dumping. Research from US showed that children as young as the age of 8 are the best years in knowing about sex and the opposite sex. This statement had opened a point of view whether sex education should be implemented in schools, perhaps breaking the barrier of the conservative mindset of the nation where such issue should be addressed openly.

Besides that, informal education where enforcement of sex education from parents and relatives are at utmost important in addressing this issue too. However, many cases occur where parents themselves are too embarrassed to talk about this topic to their own children. For instance, parents giving birth out-of wedlock would most probably be too embarrassed to talk about this issue to their children. Although they would never like their children to follow their footsteps, but the fear of bringing the same thing out is just too intense, leaving them untruthful information about sex and unwanted pregnancy. There are articles and survey done that, adolescents and teenagers learn about sex through pornography and exaggerated information about sexual intercourse through internet and obscene magazines. Hence, this would definitely lead to adolescents and teenagers having sex at a very young age and result in baby dumping when unwanted pregnancy happened.

To sum up everything, education whether it is informal or formal plays a vital role in educating adolescents and teenagers about sexual intercourse and most importantly the consequences of baby dumping. Cold hard facts are taught through biology, but students nowadays are lack of the moral approach of baby dumping, which I believe is only touched at the very surface. Education as well as counseling should be done more thoroughly and the emotional state of teenagers should not be neglected. In short, education plays an important role in forming the self-concepts and perspectives of adolescents about unprotected sexual intercourse and most importantly the consequences of baby dumping.


  1. very well said. i believe that students nowadays should be exposed to adequate sex education in curbing the rising cases of baby dumping. close surveillance should be adopted by guardians and parents to their children at a very young age. this is to avoid them from getting misconceptions about sexual intercourse and the consequences of it. children should be taught the meaning of life, of a new born baby, of the cruelty of dumping a baby. what are we different from cold blooded murderer if we leave a baby in the blistering cold, not knowing what would lurk in the wilderness.

    i wonder ? campaigns are done addressing this issue, but how far had they go in preventing cases of baby dumping instead of curing this social illnesses.

  2. Hi jarod, nice to see you in our blog. hope u enjoy reading it. pleased to introduce myself, my name is kelly. i'm in agreement with you regarding the close surveillance by their parents. like i once mention in my first comment, parents need to shower and show devotion for their child. while just in the midst of getting busy with their work, child has to be taught to inculcate certain understanding and instill some moral values to have dignity in themselves. to most religions, i believe they have been thought about being sacred and holy by keeping up their virginity before marriage, especially the ladies.
    therefore, if parents can teach good education and plant seeds of love in them, i'm sure, the teenagers will have positive thinking, thus will have awareness of the do's and dont's.

    as u questioned on how far the campaigns could have helped to prevent issues of baby dumping, i would say the decrement in number of cases as the government promote the "kami prihatin" campaign balanced off when the worrying high crime rate and the hendonistic culture of society also takes place. but however, such statistics collected may not be true as not all have been reported. the numbers can be higher, and more worrying.
    despite that, recent cabinet has actually come up to categorize baby dumping as a deadly issue categorized under death penalty crime. In my opinion, this will only backfire and worsen the current situation. to penalise mothers of unwanted babies is unfair, while the father has equal responsibility towards the new born baby.
    once again, i emphasize on the importance of sex education in curbing the issue. besides that, one should be thought on how to be the mother of the baby to take care him/her, rather than to put blame on the mother

  3. hey can you please quote your resources especially the part talking about a research from US showed that children as young as the age of 8 are the best years in knowing about sex and the opposite sex.
    Thank you
